
Sunday 29 January 2012


Which technique is more powerful? Which technique can outclass the other? There may be conflicting opinions about this. The supporters of rasengan would never acknowledge Chidori as mightier than their rasengan. On the same hand the Chidori lovers find 'rasengan' as a pathetic excuse for a jutsu. But for once if we keep our pride and prejudice aside we will discern that both of them have some flaws and some great endowments. From a unbiased point of view their damaging effect, their potential are almost the same but their are certain criteria in which chidori is not able to outmatch itself from Rasengan:

Nature manipulation: To use chidori you must have a lightining affinity. For Rasengan it's not the case

Ease of Use: The speed at which the attack must be done, combined with the fact that the user must run in a straight line, causes a tunnel vision-like effect for the user. This allows the enemy to easily counter the attack, making it a potentially lethal move for the user. Again Rasengan earns xtra points for this so in regard with these facts Rasengan Wins the debating battle!


If you don’t agree or have some other thoughts and views you are free to comment. Your response is highly appreciated.

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