The show kicks off with Vince McMahon and Daniel Bryan argument inside the ring.
The Shield defeats Mark Henry and The Usos.
Ryback throws a worker through a table in the back.
Rob Van Dam vs.Fandango. At the brink of loss Fandango escapes the ring. Rob Van Dam defeats Fandango via count-out.
Kaitlyn defeats A.J. Lee in a non-title match after striking a thunderous spear. Afterward, Dolph Ziggler mocks A.J and challenges Big E Langston to a match.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Big E Langston. A.J. attacks Ziggler and as a result Ziggler wins via DQ. Afterward, Big E screamed at A.J and Ziggler gives a ZigZag to Big E out of nowhere.
Christian vs. Alberto Del Rio (non-title). Christian defeats Alberto Del Rio.
Cody Rhodes defeats Wade Barrett. Afterward, Damien Sandow comments on Rhodes past actions but didn't attack him.
Daniel Bryan defeats Kane. After the match Kane gives a choke-slam to Bryan and then the Wyatt Family appears and attacks Kane.